Call Schedule

The call schedule can be found in the Vibe Club APP. To find the call schedule screen, select menu > call schedule

How to get coached: 4-5 days prior to the scheduled "Live Group Coaching" calls, a link to submit to be coached will be both emailed to you and posted in the FB group as a pinned announcement. The form will be closed once we have enough submissions.

Join Call


type of call


Sunday, April 7th


8:00am Pacific
9:00am Mountain
10:00am Central
11:00am Eastern
3:00pm GMT

Sunday, April 14th

Live Coaching Call (1 hr)

8:00am Pacific
9:00am Mountain
10:00pm Central
11:00am Eastern
3:00pm GMT

Friday, April 19th


9:00am Pacific
10:00am Mountain
11:00am Central
12:00pm Eastern
4:00pm GMT

Sunday, April 28th

Live Coaching Call (1 hr)

8:00am Pacific
9:00am Mountain
10:00am Central
11:00am Eastern
3:00pm GMT